Eisenhower High School

Mr. A. Katz

MEET the TEACHER LINK 2023-2024:



GAMING CLUB IS ON TUESDAYS AGAIN 2023-24 in the LRC after school from 3:15-5pm


A little about me:

I began my post-secondary education at the University of Illinois.  Later, I attended several different universities to further sharpen my teaching skills: Western State Colorado University, Governors State University, and Concordia University in Chicago.  I am currently debating what to enroll in next.


My teaching career has spanned multiple cities, demographics, and subjects.  I began in Colorado focusing on high school English and Mathematics.  The next leg in my journey took me to Chicago Public Schools where I focused on various levels of Mathematics.  Finally, I landed in district 218 where I now teach Geometry at Eisenhower High School.


I am currently involved in Gaming Club.


I follow the normal district grading policy.  I strongly encourage retakes and corrections.  If you have an issue with your grade, or a grade on an assessment, please come by and we can discuss ways for you to earn back points.  I also strongly encourage students to attend Saturday school, utilize the Cool Place, Math Lab, and after school homework help.  I strongly believe that education is a means to create a better future.


My schedule this year is as follows:

Period 1- Geometry class code: 3r3hfmq

Period 2-  Geometry Block class code: md7hy4u

Period 3- Geometry PDS class code: md7hy4u

Period 4-  Lunch

Period 5- PLC

Period 6- Geometry class code: qakw3py 

Period 7- Geometry CORE class code: 4mfsoo5 

Period 8- Plan



You can reach me anytime @

[email protected]