

About the Registrar's Office


The registrar serves students, staff, and families of Eisenhower High School by performing a wide range of functions relating to students enrolling, withdrawing, and residency requirements.


The registrar, Mrs. Melissa Castillo, works out of the Main Office. You may contact Mrs. Melissa Castillo at [email protected]  or (708)597-6300 ext. 4010 for your registration needs. Meetings with the registrar are by appointment only . Please call or email to set up an appointment. We ask that parents and guardians provide the required documents during their appointment.


For education verifications, please contact Mrs. Louthan in our counseling office at [email protected] 

or (708)597-6300 ext. 4750 during the school year. 


Registrar Services


Our office provides services related to student registration and enrollment, including:

  • Processing student enrollments (for new, returning and transfer students)
  • Student demographic changes (address, phone numbers, email addresses, guardianship, etc.)
  • Processing student withdrawals(during the Summer) and transfers to other schools

Residency Services


Community High School District 218, or any contracted agency that the district chooses to employ, has the right to investigate that a student lives within the Eisenhower High School's boundaries. If you are registered as the student's guardian, you must provide legal documentation. If you are divorced or legally separated you must provide a copy of the divorce decree that specifies the custodial parent.

Please be aware of the following:

  • All Non-resident students admitted to district schools are required by Illinois statute to be charged tuition, except as indicated by state statutes. The amount of tuition shall be calculated at the per capita cost of maintaining the schools of the district for the preceding school year. The exact figure shall be provided by the Business Office. (Legal reference: 105 ILCS 5/10-20.12b)
  • A person who knowingly or willfully provides false information to a school district regarding the residency of a pupil for the purpose of enabling the pupil to attend any school in the district without the payment of a non-resident tuition charge commits a Class C misdemeanor (not more than 30 days in jail and/or a fine not to exceed $1500). (Legal reference: 105 ILCS 5/10-20.12b)