
Social Workers

School social work services are available to all students in Community High School District 218.  The school social workers serve as liaisons between the home and the school.  They also provide parental education and counseling as appropriate, in relation to student needs.  Referrals or requests for services may come from the student, parent, or school personnel. 


The role of the social worker within the school setting is to provide brief counseling and support to students who may be experiencing difficulties that interfere with their social, emotional, or academic growth, and are impacting their academic progress in a negative way.  Assistance may be provided in the form of direct contact with the student, parents, guardians, school personnel, or with community agencies as necessary.


The goal of school social work services is to provide students with the emotional support necessary for academic and lifelong success.  Most services provided are short term.  If a student requires long term therapeutic services, the school social worker will work with parents and guardians to help connect with an appropriate community agency.


Please contact your student's social worker if you have questions about:


  • Counseling services available through Schoolhouse Counseling
  • Other social/emotional concerns for your child


Who You Can Contact
Students are assigned to a certified school social worker based on the last name or the particular program or additional academic supports that students receive.
Office Number:  708-597-6300
A - D     Izma Ahmed                                      ext. 4483
E - K     Quinn Newhall                                   ext. 4481    
             MID/Build/Cardinal Community Freshmen & Sophomore
L - RE   Toyia Miller-Peters, LCSW               ext. 4390    Google Voice: 708-844-8299
Ri-Z       Marissa Hernanez                             ext. 4441   
Administrative Assistant  - Mayra Torres     ext. 4775
Resources:                    Please click our resource link on the top right of this page for more resources
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