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Science Club

Science club is great opportunity for students to grow, discover and expand their understanding of the sciences. Students prepare for, compete in and apply biology, chemistry, earth science and physics in two major competitions.
SSC Regional Competition
Students participate in events that cover all areas of science.  Some events, such as the bridge building, mousetrap vehicle and paper airplane events, require engineering and design prior to the competition.  Other events, such as anatomy and forensics, require studying as preparation. Science club meetings, in part, are committed to preparing for these events.
Illinois Regional Science Competition
This competition is similar to scholastic bowl, but the content is only in the areas of math and science.  Students compete in teams of four, using buzzers to answer toss up questions individually and working together on team questions.
Interested students may: 
-Email Ms. Dacer at [email protected]
-Join the Science Club Google Classroom using the code: yjqjtnq
-Attend our weekly meetings in room 200 at 3:25 on Tuesdays