
Jermaine Durning

Welcome to class, I am looking forward to working with you this year.  By being positive and productive,  I'm certain this year will be a success.
Courses taught
English III, African American Literature and Latin American Literature
Meet the teacher video link
Contact information
(708) 597-6300 ext. 4052
Educational Background
BA, Michigan State University English Education
MA, Saint Xavier University in Teaching and Leadership
MA Concordia University in Educational Technology
1st Semester Courses



2 African American Literature 1
3 Sophmore homeroom/Lunch
African American Literature 2
English 3 (Team Taught)
Planning period
7 English 3 (Team Taught)
8 English 3 (Team Taught)



  • Students are encouraged to complete all assignments on time. Late work will be accepted, however, it will receive 1/2 credit. and no late work will  be accepted once the unit CUA has been taken. 
  • Test corrections and essay revisions can be completed after attending one required tutoring session for a letter grade increase. However, students must complete all pre-work such as essay outlines, study guides, and story annotations.
  • Finally, you will not be able to revise any assignment that is turned in late.
  • It is the student’s responsibility to obtain missing work by accessing the class google page or the skyward assignment drop down feature
  • Missed tests/quizzes due to excused absences must be completed upon the students return to class or will be scheduled during testing center times.


Electronic policy

The classroom is a place for learning. The use of electronics during instruction represents an unacceptable disruption to the learning environment. Therefore, all forms of electronics should be turned off and out of sight unless instructed otherwise. If used during class the phone may be confiscated and/or a referral written.


Honor Code

Education is a privilege that should be cherished. Every class offers you a unique opportunity to learn and improve your skill set. Whenever you turn in work that is not your own, or share information, you are in fact robbing yourself and others of learning. This is wrong. There are no short cuts in education. Real learning is a process that takes time, hard work and repetition.


In this class, you are expected to learn by doing your own work. Therefore, cheating will not be tolerated. Both you and the person you collaborate with will receive an automatic zero and a referral will be written. Based on teacher discretion, you may be offered a one-time only opportunity to resubmit the assignment for 1/2 credit.

Cheating and plagiarizing are serious offenses. Please heed this warning. If you are struggling with an assignment, I encourage you to talk to me about extra help or extended deadlines.


Background image Mrs. Jermaine  Durning`s profile picture
Mrs. Jermaine Durning
English Teacher
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