Eisenhower High School

Classes and Google Classroom Codes

Class Name Section Semester Google Classroom Code  
Drafting/CAD1 1A 1st ce26hrg  
Drafting/CAD1 1B 1st kz7jby6  
Drafting/CAD2 1A 1st cmzmhwx  
Drafting/CAD2 1B 1st eizhfii  
Drafting/CAD 3 A 1st w2dsxal  
Drafting/CAD1 2A 2nd adk6kbp  
Production Construction 2A 2nd cbs5k22  
Wednesday Office hour times will follow the schedule of a regular remote school day.
Zoom links are in Google classroom under the classwork tab
See the tab in Google classroom for the Google form to be filled out prior to attending office hours.